【Continuing Our Mission】GIORMANI has been awarded the "ESG+ Charter" for three consecutive years!


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【Continuing Our Mission】GIORMANI has been awarded the "ESG+ Charter" for three consecutive years!

【Continuing Our Mission】GIORMANI has been awarded the "ESG+ Charter" for three consecutive years!

2025-02-27 16:39:39

As apart of the Earth, we aim to ensure that future generations can stillexperience the beauty of nature. GIORMANI has been making strides towardssustainable development, and after a year of practical goals and orderlyplanning for ESG, we are delighted to announce that GIORMANI has received the"ESG+ Charter" for the third year!

The"ESG+ Program" is organized by the Chinese Manufacturers' Associationof Hong Kong (CMA), with the Hong Kong Brand Development Council as acollaborating partner, aiming to enhance the importance of sustainabledevelopment concepts and practices within the Hong Kong business community.

We willcontinue to strive to uphold and promote social responsibility, practice agreen economy, and take each step with a sense of responsibility for thefuture. We look forward to collaborating with both customers and businesspartners in various ways to contribute to society and the environment alongsideGIORMANI!