SME Sustainability Society x Hong Kong Monetary Authority
SME Sustainability Society x Hong Kong MonetaryAuthority
Recently, the SME Sustainability Society invitedKelvin Lee, the Associate Director (Risk Mgt & Compliance) at the Hong KongMonetary Authority, along with his team, to hold a sharing session at our GIORMANIflagship store in Mong Kok. During the event, Ms. Jane Tong, the founder andManaging Director of GIORMANI, took the opportunity to discuss furtherinformation regarding annuity processing for SMEs with Kelvin and theassociation members, providing more directions and insights for sustainabledevelopment. All members greatly benefited from this session!
GIORMANI has always supported and collaborated withthe sustainable development of SMESS, aiming to improve aspects such asemployee welfare, corporate management, and social responsibility. We are verypleased to serve as the venue for this event, which not only benefitedparticipants but also facilitated their understanding of these topics. We hopeto progress together and create a better environment for the businessecosystem!